European RoboCupJunior Championship

RoboCupJunior is a division of the RoboCup Federation that aims at promoting robotics and artificial intelligence in primary and secondary schools, by organizing robot competitions focussed on young students (under 19 y.o.). RoboCupJunior competitions are divided in three leagues: Soccer, Rescue and OnStage.

The European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) is a super-regional RoboCup event that has the objective of organizing RoboCupJunior competition at European level. EURCJ is organized by a committee formed by the European RoboCupJunior Regional Representatives and by a Local Organizing Committee.

Additional information can be provided by the RoboCupJunior national representatives listed in the RoboCupJunior web site. If your Euroepan country is not represented, please contact the Trustees of the RoboCup Federation or local organizers of the event.

EURCJ events

2025 Bari, Italy

2019 Hannover, Germany